Sunday, August 18, 2013


We are in the second half of August now and that means spring here in South Africa. We already had the first few days of 30 degrees and over and although the water is still cold, about 18 degrees, our kids have been swimming already. The weather is still unpredictable though and one or two warm days are followed by wind and a cooler period. The nights are also still chilly but not as cold anymore as they were a month ago.

The knobthorns are among the first trees that get flowers and the first soft yellow flowers are visible already. Soon the whole valley where we live will be covered in a soft yellow blanket. So early in spring the bush is very dry and waiting for the first rain. It probably has to wait a bit longer but then everything will become lush and green again. It's hard to image that now while everything is grey and dry and with hardly any leaves.

The first changes in birds can be noticed as well. The tree where every year a pair of Tawny Eagles nest has been empty all winter but I have spotted one of the birds already, probably checking how much damage the winter has done to its nest.
On the first slightly warmer evenings we have heard some early frogs already and soon we'll have loud concerts again.
I'm looking forward to summer, especially on cold mornings when I have to take the kids to school!

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