Friday, March 18, 2011

Knock, knock, who’s there…

For weeks now we are being terrorised by birds.
The birds are a few hornbills, also known as Zazoe from the Lion King. Every morning as soon as it gets light they start knocking at our upstairs window. These birds have quite a big beak so their knocking makes a lot of noise. Since it is still summer here in South Africa, it gets light quite early in the morning and we don’t really enjoy our wake-up call.
We chased the birds away many times already and even thrown rocks at them in the hope of scaring them but they come back
every day. The day before yesterday we put a toy snake behind the window, hoping they would be too scared to come close but it didn’t help. Yesterday morning they were back and woke us up with their knocking.
That afternoon our friends Sjaak and Ineke come to visit us and we tell them about the annoying birds. They tell they had the same problem when they just moved in, but they haven’t heard in them in a long time now. They think about it and conclude that the knocking stopped when they got curtains. Then I see the light. That the birds knock on the window because they see their reflection we already concluded. But now I see the connection with the fact that a while back we took the curtains down upstairs. Since the upstairs is only used as an attic we never put them back up. That same day I went upstairs to put the curtains back up end hope that it will help.
This morning we wake up in peace and quiet. Happily I turn on my other side one more time before I have to get up to take Niels to school. The birds are probably equally happy, finally they succeeded to chase that intruder out of their territory…
Regards from the bush

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